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14 Feb 2016, 12:14 pm

Obviously content warning for murder, police, prejudice against trans people...

I'd like someone who's actually transgender, or at least really close friends with a trans person, to check this article I wrote for my autism memorial page to make sure I'm doing it right.

You'll have heard Kayden Clarke's story--the transgender autistic guy who was shot by police when they came to his house because someone called him in as suicidal.

I want to make sure I'm writing this properly. I only know two transgender people IRL and they're both just acquaintances; reading through Kayden's story, I've felt like I'm grieving a sibling I never knew--his experiences are so much like mine, even though I'm only barely genderqueer. The love for learning, the love for other people, is something we both share and I wish I could've met him.

But yeah, can someone check this for me? I was really frustrated at all the media people calling him "Danielle" and "she" in the early articles. I mentioned his birth name in my writeup and I'm not sure I should do even that.

It's odd how this story affects me so much more than some of the others which, objectively, were more terrible than a young man being shot by police. Maybe it's because he was so much like me. I don't know.

Anyway, yes, a quick proofreading would be appreciated.

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