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11 Jun 2015, 10:28 pm

I don't know if its because I word things wrong or I misunderstand someone but I never tell them I have Asperger's I always get scared thinking they will push me around more then they already are doing. But has anyone tried to go to a LGBT website only to feel like you're getting harassed and hated by your own community? I feel so alone I can't even be accepted for being gay or anything else inside a community that is supposed to help and give advice to me.
So I came here, I found the Asperger's lgbt forum in hopes to maybe understand if others have this problem and if so why?


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12 Jun 2015, 5:33 am

I think in any kind of community there are almost always some unkind people. It's like real life where you will always find some unkind/nasty/bítchy people wherever you go. Even on WP you see a very small number of such people (most people on WP are really nice). And I think the LGBT sites are no exception. So if you are an awkward person, it's very likely that someone will attack you about that. Or even if you are not awkward, someone will try that any way. It's not your fault. They are the problem. The best you can do is to just completely ignore such people.

I should mention that WP's LGBT section is fairly quiet. So you may not get many replies.


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12 Jun 2015, 3:10 pm

I think we'd need to see/read specific examples in order to give you feedback on why you're catching flak from others. Chances are, IMO, that it's very likely due to communication & social blunders you make due to AS symptoms. People here are a lot more forgiving of those mistakes, since we recognize the traits and are more likely to provide valuable constructive criticism vs. take offence to something you post.

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17 Jun 2015, 7:01 pm

You are welcome to send me a PM if you wish as I have quite a lot of experience since coming out as gay and met quite a few folk before finding my true soul mate / other half, who is 100% supportive.

I only made peace with my orientation at around age 30.

I don't know why folk would pick on you just for posting messages on a LGBT website. But you get all types out there.

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21 Jun 2015, 1:44 pm

I came to this forum (as I rarely do) to post a similar horror story of a lifetime (nearly 65 years) of rejection by both heteros and gays. In particular my post was to be about mocking, prying, demeaning and disparagement, which I constantly encounter all day long, every day. When I saw this post I just had to stop first to offer my own agreement with the validity of the OP's experiences because it is so similar to what I have experienced. I began wondering how long the OP had experienced such things... whether it was long term as is the case with me or if it was only something in passing as might be the case with someone who was only young and impatient. So I took a look at his profile and saw that he had vanished into thin air after less than a month on WP. The question to be asked here is did the OP get chased off in frustration (as people have often done to me... including some people in this forum) or was he a baiter seeking attention. Then I came across the following comment by one of the mods here:

envirozentinel wrote:
You are welcome to send me a PM if you wish as I have quite a lot of experience since coming out as gay and met quite a few folk before finding my true soul mate / other half, who is 100% supportive.

A slave who has nothing does not exactly rejoice in seeing his master celebrate in luxury and excess. Are people really so insensitive and selfish that they must always rub peoples' noses in their own good fortune when hearing of someone who has nothing. It only serves to make us feel even more isolated, alone and small. Unfortunately this is the nature of human animal heritage. Animals pounce with the strong always trying to dominate the weak. This is exactly what I have encountered all day, every day from other people... for an entire lifetime. It is so typical of the competition, ego and self-promotion of the NT world. A passage from the Sermon on the Mount says this in different words: "Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?" (no pun intended in quoting the words fish and serpent). I know your intention was one of support, but those people who have everything fail to see the plight of those of us who have nothing and fail to show us compassion as a result. People see others in their own shoes rather than placing themselves in the shoes of others. I have had my nose rubbed in the lives of others so often over the years that these days when I see couples approaching, I turn and walk in the other direction. If I were the OP, I would not have walked away... I would run.

For 65 years I have had no friends at all other than a very small smattering of hetero friends over the years who had nothing to prove to anybody. I don't even have anybody to talk to other than my 92 year old mom. So you may be able to imagine how I feel when other people rub my nose in their social and sex lives as happens to me constantly. Four years ago I went to talk to a nearby autism organization which had a good program that matched autistics with a volunteer to give us a fighting chance to have somebody to talk to on a regular basis without all the hoopla of NT social groups. I was rejected for that program, presumably because I told them I am gay, but the staff assistant who talked to me did not fail to boast of his upcoming hetero marriage and honeymoon on the east coast of Florida. Two months later I went to a nearby MCC in hope of finding something similar within the gay community. The preacher with whom I spoke was frantically busy manufacturing some kind of party trinkets for his daughter's wedding and told me to email him at a later date when he would not be so busy, then made a condescending remark to me as I walked away. When I did email him, he never did reply to my emails at all, giving me the same brush-off that I have come to expect from the gay community. (These are only two examples of countless thousands, including many that are much worse). I still have not given up on that effort because in spite of the dogma, opinion and groups involved in a church, they "should" be the types of people to be able to offer the kind of acceptance and compassion that I need.

Seeing this post has made me reconsider the wisdom of taking the time to write the two cent version of that part of my own story that I came here to post. I will probably do so eventually, but I have certainly seen a heaping helping of the same kinds of ego here that drives me away as an Aspie. You too may have driven me off for now.

If the OP happens to still be around peeking from the shadows, I can only tell you that I sympathize with you strongly because I've lived with similar experiences for my entire life. There are good people out there but they are so extremely difficult to find. My best hope for the moment is one Aspie-like restaurant employee (probably straight) who always, always makes an effort to start up long conversations with me. But as has always happened in the past that too will probably turn into nothing more than a pipe dream.

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24 Jun 2015, 6:07 pm

I haven't noticed it myself, but it does vary community to community and individual to individual. What happened?


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24 Jun 2015, 6:09 pm

Tell the bully to stick it in his/her ear.

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13 Jul 2015, 2:00 am

I think most groups have a bully.

In Western Australia (where I'm from) it's pretty trendy to be gay, and those same trendy people seem to be a lot more judgmental & act very superior to other people even within the gay community.


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14 Jul 2015, 12:52 am

I've not really experienced LGBT cyberbullying, but locally I've felt "beat up" by gossip and backstabbing at times, especially from a few in our community that claim to be my "friends". Perhaps I might be a little more prone to scrutiny as I guess I'd be considered a semi-celebrity in our local scene due to having a lifetime title with our Imperial Court as a result of my background as both a live performer and disc jockey in local clubs.
An example would be a highly unflattering picture of myself that was shown by a local magazine a couple of years ago. ... ateposted/
I'm still shocked the publication felt everyone should see that.

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11 May 2016, 10:58 pm

I've felt that going to LGBT events. They are WAY more social than us so it seems they bully and don't realize they bully me.