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10 Oct 2012, 3:56 pm

I don't find it hard to see why someone with Asperger's would color outside the lines gender-wise, as gender roles are directly linked to social norms.

However, I find myself a pretty masculine guy, so I don't do so, and I feel pretty good about myself this way.

I don't *hate* on people who don't conform to gender norms, rather I find them interesting and am curious about them.

"I watched a change in you, It's like you never had wings, now you feel so alive"

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24 Oct 2012, 4:20 pm

Yea it bothers me, too. This issue is arising many places, even Google/YouTube.
I have a good feeling that the more the issue pops up, they will change things
to make the populace happy.
I myself rather say male. Hate lying. Although I am physically female, I wish I was a guy and
wish I could love someone as a male. I wish I could say neither atm.


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24 Oct 2012, 5:02 pm

RageHQ wrote:
I wish I was a guy and
wish I could love someone as a male..

The good news is we live in a world where you can be male and love someone as a male if that is truly your wish. :)

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24 Oct 2012, 10:35 pm

Not for someone who is poor. Surgeries are $7k or more. The more you pay,
the better the surgeon, the less scars. Not to mention the travel expenses
needed to fly somewhere cause some drs are better than others and
none of em are even remotely close to Ohio (afaik)
It takes years to transition, but before that
you gotta be in therapy for a whiiile or else they'd never do anything more.
You need a therapists note for consent.. makes sense.
Though, I'm reading that over the years things are improving quite a bit.
I almost don't think it's worth it because I'm already almost 28, short,
tiny hands, tiny everything I'm totally petite xD 5' even.
Even if I had anything done, I would never look the way I feel inside...
Like a spirit that borrowed some poor girl's body... things are never as easy as you think.


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25 Oct 2012, 1:14 am

Rage, I hear a lot of FTM guys say that the body issues never really go away. :( I think testosterone is cheaper, but I've not really looked into it. Where I am (UK), the National Health Service take care of the cost by default, you just turn up and talk to them and that's it. But there are still so many hoops to jump through.

I am pursuing surgery as a genderqueer person, which I hear is much more difficult. But doable. Even though it won't take away all my curves or stop people from reading me as female, it will make my body a little more how I feel inside, and that's better than nothing for me. And it is arguably a little easier because of the cost. If I lived in the US I don't know what I'd do.

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25 Oct 2012, 7:48 am

Thank you for your reply, Lottiotta.
Yea, I figure there's never going to be true happiness, no matter what I do.
Though, if I had the money, I would get this stuff done and leave, start elsewhere as someone else.
I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome so I desperately want a surgery to remove everything.
It's actually painful most of the time. It totally effs up my hormones enough.

Trust me, I hate where I live. I hate the U.S.

The UK sounds more lenient towards transgenders?

There are regulations up the arse no matter what you do here.
Insurance wouldn't pay for this stuff cause it's not considered necessary.
They'll pay for drugs and who knows what else, but not that even if it
IS the cause of depression.

I know what you mean, at least a flat chest and organs that make me more female
is just extra baggage I hate cause I like to run and it hurts. :( I'd rather be gender-neutral
since I'll never be a true guy.

Dude, lemme know when you get good, maybe you can do it. xD haha. I think someone
that understands what the patient is going thru would make things a lot better than
dealing with NTs.

Makes me wanna move to Europe or Asia, any place but here.


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26 Oct 2012, 10:38 am

PCOS sucks so much. I have a couple of good friends who struggle with it. They take something that's usually for diabetics, but you have to speak to an endocrinologist to get it prescribed because most doctors who don't specialise don't realise how helpful it is. Let me just try and find out what it is, in case you haven't heard of it...? Yes! "Metformin". They both say it deals with the cause more than anything else they've tried, and it even deals with the weird food cravings and regulates your cycle and things.

I'm not sure if the UK is more lenient. I guess it is; our NHS has transgender treatments available if you jump through the hoops, like surgery and hormones. And we have laws that say that it's illegal to fire people for being trans, and that if someone is trans they should be allowed to safely use toilets of their choice, etc. They're still ironing out the passport stuff, but we're getting there slowly.

It is very strange that psychological stuff isn't seen as a valid reason to get physical treatment. I don't know. I'd love to get more exercise too but my body feels really wrong and binders do not make for happy lungs.

I will keep letting you know how it goes for as long as I'm posting here. I'm going to keep being honest; I don't want to lie just to get treatment faster or anything. That sounds way too stressful. Since the last doctor I spoke to knew that their department dealt with quite a high percentage of ASD folk, that is promising. :) I am optimistic. If they say no, I will just have to keep trying.

Take care. I'm glad to have read your story.

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11 Jul 2014, 11:49 pm

Nerdyimperator wrote:
I'm gender queer (agendered) but just went with my biological sex just for the sake of putting something in

I am, for lack of a better word, pan-gendered, And I also do the same thing. These questions are rarely asking about your identity but rather your physical makeup. It's a shame we have gone away from the old question of what sex are you and usurped gender as a substitute.


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19 Jul 2014, 3:54 am

Yes, hello, I am some kind of non-binary. I just signed up and had a very grumpy few moments when I realized there were only binary options for gender.

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Aug 2014, 7:23 pm

Rorberyllium wrote:
I found it somewhat awkward when registering for this site, there was only a "Male" and "Female" option for gender. Most websites I've registered for had a "Other" or "Nondisclosed" or some third option. I picked male because I was raised male, but I don't actually identify as such.

for a long time now I've actually identified as gender neutral. I don't really feel comfortable drifting too far into either gender presentation. So I've found something of a happy medium and generally strangers aren't sure how to identify me (I get ma'amed almost as frequently as I get "sired").

Learned not too long ago that i was actually born with an intersex condition. Didn't really change much but a lot of things make sense that didn't used to.

I've heard that gender nonconformity is somewhat common among people with autism spectrum disorders, I was wondering if there was anyone else with similar experiences.

I am interested in finding out more about this as well.


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17 Aug 2014, 1:27 pm

From what I've read, yes it is common with ASD. I also thought it was kind of strange that this forum only allowed M/F. I align myself somewhere in the gender neutral/androgynous category, and will hopefully be able to get top surgery at some point to make myself more physically comfortable. I like being ambiguous and also get "sir" and "ma'am" interchangeably, I like being able to move between genders depending on how I feel.


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17 Aug 2014, 9:28 pm

Hello everybody! I am also a gender-nonconforming autistic myself, and many other autistics and aspies I know have similar feelings about gender.

Gender identity survey for adults with ASD:

Survey for parents of kids/teens/adults with ASD:


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31 May 2016, 7:27 pm

fellow genderqueer here, I've known about it for about 4 years now even though I always did feel different :p