How do I tell my parents I'm pan sexual?

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Toy Freddy the Fabulous

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02 Jun 2016, 10:58 am

My parents are against pan sexuality, because they think it means hyper-sexual, willing to have intercourse with anything that moves, or even things that don't move. Obviously, they're very, very wrong, but I don't know how to show them this with out angering them. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should come out to them?

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02 Jun 2016, 12:41 pm

This is not something you need to be telling them unless they are involved as your sexual-partner(s).

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02 Jun 2016, 12:45 pm

Ban-Dodger wrote:
This is not something you need to be telling them unless they are involved as your sexual-partner(s).
Seconded. Your parents don't need to know.

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06 Jun 2016, 2:32 am

Toy Freddy the Fabulous wrote:
My parents are against pan sexuality, because they think it means hyper-sexual, willing to have intercourse with anything that moves, or even things that don't move. Obviously, they're very, very wrong, but I don't know how to show them this with out angering them. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should come out to them?

Well just explain to them. "Look you tow find the opposite sex attractive and are willing to have sex with opposite sex people. I am different and find more people sexually appealing; that does not mean I want to go around screwing everyone and everyone it just means that I will choose who I have sex with not based on gender, etc but on how much I love them and stuff."
Warning this plan might fail so prepare for that.


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06 Jun 2016, 2:55 am

None of their business 8O

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07 Jun 2016, 9:23 am

+1. It always perplexed me why adults thought it appropriate to be detailing the intimate nature of their sexual persuasions to their parents, straight or queer, unless there was marriage and kids likely to be involved.

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07 Jun 2016, 9:38 am

I really enjoyed shocking my parents by coming out as gay and then bi, but that was the only value. Maybe I also just wanted to be seen as a real person, but I found over time that they aren't capable of that.

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07 Jun 2016, 10:14 am

if telling your parents is important to you, then do it. i can tell you're thinking about it carefully, which is a good thing.
but if they think gay people want to f**k everyone of the same gender too then you may be SOL.
if they really just don't understand what pan-sexual means all you can do is try to help them to understand. simply, all it means is that someone who is pan-sexual can be attracted to anyone, not is attracted to everyone. its a positive term because it includes people who aren't necessarily one sex + gender or the other, which is what the L,G, and B (again, to put it simply for the folks) define. it means that you can be attracted to, and love, a trans person or a cis-gendered person or anyone in between. oh no, are they transphobic? if they are then there is little hope. if they're really insane, you could even be kicked out of your home. idk your situation but unfortunately its best to tread carefully with this stuff, especially when you've got another 5 or so years before you're a legal adult.

just wondering, why do you feel the need to come out to your parents?


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07 Jun 2016, 11:32 am

maybe an even simpler way to describe it would be that it means you can be attracted to someone for who they are regardless of what they are (assuming they are a consenting human of course).

Toy Freddy the Fabulous

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08 Jun 2016, 8:55 am

seaweed wrote:
if telling your parents is important to you, then do it. i can tell you're thinking about it carefully, which is a good thing.
but if they think gay people want to f**k everyone of the same gender too then you may be SOL.
if they really just don't understand what pan-sexual means all you can do is try to help them to understand. simply, all it means is that someone who is pan-sexual can be attracted to anyone, not is attracted to everyone. its a positive term because it includes people who aren't necessarily one sex + gender or the other, which is what the L,G, and B (again, to put it simply for the folks) define. it means that you can be attracted to, and love, a trans person or a cis-gendered person or anyone in between. oh no, are they transphobic? if they are then there is little hope. if they're really insane, you could even be kicked out of your home. idk your situation but unfortunately its best to tread carefully with this stuff, especially when you've got another 5 or so years before you're a legal adult.

just wondering, why do you feel the need to come out to your parents?

Yeah, they're transphobic. I want to come out to them because I tell them pretty much everything, and we're very close. They won't kick me out (at least, I'm almost certain they won't), but I don't want them to send me to a mental hospital or Christian boarding school or something

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09 Jun 2016, 3:14 am

You will have plenty of time to be freely pansexual once you're out of their house, then you can try to introduce new categories like gender to them. In the meantime, you can just introduce them to whomever you are dating as a whole person.

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18 Jun 2016, 7:01 pm

Don't say you're pansexual, if you need to come out on something just say you're asexual but still romantic.

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18 Jun 2016, 7:12 pm

Just tell them you are bi.

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21 Jun 2016, 11:39 pm

Nine7752 wrote:
You will have plenty of time to be freely pansexual once you're out of their house, then you can try to introduce new categories like gender to them. In the meantime, you can just introduce them to whomever you are dating as a whole person.

This. Why give them a label that may be misunderstood or misconstrued? Love who you love and let your parents learn who you are as it happens.

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