Interesting question.
And similar in a way to a discussion I was having with someone about a mutual acquaintance who is hearing impaired. Given the choice, he would probably have chosen not to be hearing impaired and just be "normal."
But then he would have missed out on all the things he learned about in life through being hearing impaired - about sign, about deaf culture, about disability and diversity, about a certain understanding and awareness for others with lateral issues, such as sight impaired people or others with disabilities. He may also have not been challenged to overcome and be resilient, resourceful, and patient the way he has had to be because of his disability.
I suppose I see being queer the same way. Would I have liked to be cis from birth, and never have known any other way to be, given the choice? In one way, yes, because it would have been easier and more comfortable for me. But in others no, because then I would not have the broadness of understanding and accepting of differences that I believe I do have as a result of being queer. I would not have had to adapt, think, change, challenge and be strong the way I have had to.
So .. Yes and no? 
Edit - damn autocorrect!
Alexithymia - 147 points.