C2V wrote:
Well, if you're the experimental type and want to confront this vague "maybe" and get some real data on whether or not it might be so, there's nothing wrong with that.
Just make sure you have a safe and respectful way to do so. My advice if you do want to try with a woman to sort out your feelings, be upfront with her. Many queers don't like bi-curious women trying them out just as a test subject, without being clear that they're not really sure of their orientation and this may not work for them.
Others are happy to go for it anyway, but it's best to be upfront to avoid unpleasantness for all parties.
Fortunately the female gay scene is usually much less dodgy than the male side. Even something as low-key as a gay bar or club, or a pride event, might be a place to meet a woman who could help enlighten you.

After a few years of just thinking about it, I realise that I must do
something. It´s a bit scary, but some day I must face it. So, I must come up with a plan. When things slowing down as it approaches the autumn and winter, it might be time to take baby steps and join a swedish dating site for lgbt, maybe? I am a quite open person, so I think that if I do this it is crucial - just as you say - to be honest and lay all the cards on the table. It would just feel so wrong to start with hurting someone.
"Life is like a cup of tea - it´s all in how you make it"