Anyone on here who can play the pennywhistle?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Aug 2016, 11:59 am

Hi. I have not been on this website in what seems to be awhile until yesterday because I figured it would be beneficial when unsure or frustrated about some things that can pertain to my condition or not... Anyhow.
I own a five tin whistles and I have been self-practicing for probably nearly three years? Although I have had sort of long periods of time where I was unmotivated and did not want to practice/never picked it up and then I would start practicing a couple of months later. A lot of the stuff I taught myself stuck with me but I still feel as though I could use drastic improvement and at some point learn to play faster pieces without too much struggle. I often feel like I am unmotivated to use resources like the internet because whenever I do I feel like I am cramming everything at once due to clutter and the frustration and anxiety which comes with opening multiple things on my computer and the slowness of my internet at times (I have a Macbook Pro from 2011 and it acts slow sometimes but I am unsure if that is supposed to happen).
Another issue is I generally do not like the basic beginners pieces to play unless they are what I believe sound more interesting or obscure. For example I have the first book to learn to play the Clarke Tin Whistle in the key of D and I refuse to learn "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and what not. I feel awkward playing those pieces and perhaps that is why I am struggling. Plus when I am practicing I tend to not play a full piece because it is too much to take at once sometimes. (Although I think I have learned the whole tune of Scarborough Fair and perhaps one more tune but I cannot remember exactly)..

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Aug 2016, 8:22 pm

I was interested in learning about a year ago and was really into it for awhile, I bought different types too, like key of A and Bflat. the really large other D whistle too. I found a lot of good videos on you tube and instructions.
I lost interest in it but I might take it all up again.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Aug 2016, 9:29 am

I've noticed ordering the whistles with the key of A and low D whistles come more costly than the standard tuning. I could probably order a low D whistle in the near future but currently I cannot (although I actually like the sound of the bigger ones and they sound more woeful and lamentable)

Quiet Water

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25 Aug 2016, 8:17 pm

I've tried a low D whistle, and can play some basic tunes. A smaller whistle might be better suited to my size, but I have more instruments than time to practice in recent years so not much motivation to pick up more. (I've seen several dedicated whistlers carry a half-dozen or so to a jam session, to be sure of having an instrument well-suited to play in any key.)


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26 Aug 2016, 7:46 am

I play penny whistle occasionally, but not well- I only know about four tunes on it! ("Down by the Sally Gardens", The Foggy Dew" and "Skye Boat Song", plus "Boolavogue" if I'm feeling brave.) I prefer my 'C' one: not too high-pitched, so the top notes don't go skreechy.

I know what you mean about not wanting to play "Old Macdonald" etc. Maybe get a book of folk tunes to play along side the "learn to play" book? They'll be trickier, but more motivating. Airs and folksongs are usually easier than full-on jigs and hornpipes.

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