Canary wrote:
Good luck to everyone! I agree the point is just to get your draft. A draft isn't supposed to be great.
I'm sitting here after losing the first few days of work wondering what to do. I don't want to rewrite it all, but I have no idea how I'm going to think up a new idea in time.
Try not to rewrite? I think the whole point of NaNo is- just getting the words out there, save editing it for later. Thats what I always thought at least? I think there was something on the NaNo site about this.
I had a good start to NaNo but I've recently grown a bit depressed because of many things.. so I might just give up. I'm at a little over 2600 words

I wanted to do 1000 words a day for a bit, then a few longer days.. but motivation is basically gone.
I hope others have better luck!