neurotypicalET wrote:

almost forgot pornosexual...yeah I know...I'm sick...

i dont know, for aging aspo's who may lack communication skills, social status (and money) due to little or lack of income etc. not to mention, other aspie traits that generally make it harder to find a partner,
porn is at least a healthy outlet for natural urges. Better this than repressing or doing something against your nature or against the law. or cutting off the parts that have urges...
hey, on a positive note.
communication skills can be improved on
dating skills can be learnt
employment can be improved upon
personally i think porn can be healthy
as long as the people in the porn are not performing against their will nor against the law.
I think that the guilt thing about porn is often created by either feminists or religious fanatics.
Personally i read nothing in the bible against watching porn...... lol