MM99 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
I thought "college" was the american word for "university", which I thought was a british word, but I may be wrong. So yes, I meant "university".
You were correct, college and university are used interchangeably in the US, e.g. I went to a state university that was called X College. Colleges usually confer 2-4 degrees and are smaller, a university is bigger and has more postgraduate options. The US equivalent of the European college is a community college.
I agree that you should stop looking and it will happen organically. The tricky part is getting out there. I have same issue connecting with people in my neighborhood because so many of them are materialistic and we moved away from NYC to the backwoods to get away from that. What kind of interests do you have and have you tried joining groups devoted to these interests? I witnesses tons of people connect via trivial things such as games on Facebook.