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07 Feb 2017, 7:27 pm

My sexuality is so messed up and so is my mental health. I don't bother with relationships. So I'm mental case: aspergers, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder. I'm a cisgendered 33 year old woman who mainly likes men but I would back away from sex so I'm sort of asexual maybe. But I also think about women sometimes, including transwomen.
I'm Not A Good At Finding A Partner and I hate myself. Is this ok?


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07 Feb 2017, 9:38 pm

I am just an average person and not a professional but I don't think it's ok to hate yourself.
It certainly sounds ok to take time away from relationships to reassess your needs, take care of your mental and emotional health, and learn to love yourself.
Take one step at a time. Maybe a good place to start is your mental health. Your sexuality or asexuality may become more clear as your mental health improves. Do you have access to any services?

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08 Feb 2017, 6:26 am

If you were happy with it, it would be absolutely fine to be asexual, to be aromantic or to be both. You could also be none and just not want to date, that is absolutely okay as well, as long as it is what you want. What you write doesn’t give the impression that you’re satisfied with your current situation though.
Furthermore, hating yourself is definitively unhealthy! You shouldn’t hate yourself; you should work on accepting and embracing who you are instead. I’d suggest getting yourself and your mental health back in order first.

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08 Feb 2017, 2:24 pm

Since when is hating yourself an OK thing?


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08 Feb 2017, 4:01 pm

Triplicate thread. This discussion can continue in Love and Dating, the other two are locked. Please review the rules re cross posting.