Are there a lot of transsexuals with asperger?

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Blue Jay
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12 Oct 2016, 3:30 pm

My mother made me read an article about an important number of transsexuals having asperger's syndrome, and wanted your thoughts.

here is the article:

My mother has an important masculine part in her personality, she feels like both genders. She isn't diagnosed.

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Tufted Titmouse
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13 Oct 2016, 1:17 am

Not sure what you're asking. I'm not sure how legit the actual site is that you linked to, but they DID include the source for the study and that seems OK. Idk if you care about anecdotal evidence, but I and my partner Rain are both transgender and are both preeeeeetty sure we're on the spectrum though we are both undiagnosed.

P.S.: The term 'transsexual' can be considered offensive sometimes, and generally should only be used to refer to transgender people who have had their sex changed surgically if at all. Generally transgender or just trans is okay, as a descriptor (transgender/trans/transsexual/etc. is not a noun, it is an adjective). Sorry if this is too much 'splaining.

P.P.S.: I did read this article (more of a blog entry) a while back that you and/or your mother may also find interesting: ... rd-common/

Blue Jay
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13 Oct 2016, 2:23 pm

Thank you for your answer. I wanted to know what people on this website think of the article.
In my personal experience, I find it hard to be offended by words.

I was the only diagnosed asperger and transgender in my city.

I will read your article as soon as the website is online.

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Emu Egg
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14 Oct 2016, 4:06 pm

I'm transgender, and have autism.

Don't quote me on any of this, but I have noticed a significant number of autistic people who are also transgender, but there are a lot of neurotypicals who are transgender, too. It's hard to say. I have heard rumor that the hormones fetuses are exposed to in the womb can relate to both autism and transgender among other things. This would explain why there are more autistic FTMs that I've seen than autistic MTFs...

Again, don't quote me on this. I have no valid sources, and am therefore speaking based on rumor and personal observations.

Sea Gull
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14 Oct 2016, 4:15 pm

There are a lot of transsexuals with asperger's, and I remember reading at least one study showing a pretty heavy correlation. Nobody really knows why it is, the best guess I can give is that we're less beholden to social expectations and are therefore more willing to entertain usually-taboo ideas about even something as intimate as our own identity. If that's true, there are likely as many NT transpeople, but they're more likely to repress those feelings.

I was born intersex, so I'm in that complicated area where being genderqueer (femme-leaning) coincides with my birth sex and is in some ways "cis." But considering I was raised male, there's some overlap.

Don't believe the gender tag. I was born intersex and identify as queer, girl-leaning. So while I can sometimes present as an effeminate guy, that's less than half the time and if anything I'd prefer it say "female" of the two choices offered. I can't change it though, it's bugged.

Blue Jay
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14 Oct 2016, 9:14 pm

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Blue Jay
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15 Oct 2016, 1:44 pm

I'm trans myself and there are quite a few autistic people at the trans support group I go to.

Dx: ASD(Type 2), ADHD, PTSD(severe), Histrionic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria.


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18 Oct 2016, 4:22 am

Autism spectrum conditions and gender issues do occur together.

The university on Leyden in Holland carried out a study showing Transgender isdues seven times more common where autism was present.


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21 Oct 2016, 9:05 am

rowan_nichol wrote:
Autism spectrum conditions and gender issues do occur together.

The university on Leyden in Holland carried out a study showing Transgender isdues seven times more common where autism was present.

I believe it. I didn't even learn I was autistic until I was 19 but even before then I never felt like a female. I always felt as if it was something that was pushed on me due to what I was assigned at birth ... The thing about it is that while I never felt "female" I never felt like I was "male" either. I know that growing up I did have typical "male" interest. I practically grew up on video games, I used to like the ninja turtles and power rangers, and my favorite color was never pink. On that note of the power rangers I remember as my favorite color was always green that I also favored the green ranger. Unfortunately the pink ranger was often forced upon me. Even when I became old enough to know the difference between "boys and girls" it never really connected like that for me. I was still in middle and high school dressing just as gender neutral as my personality. I also remember as I got older my folks constantly getting on my case about what is feminine or not.

All that continued up into my late teens where I experienced a gender identity crisis and didn't know what to think of myself. Unfortunately I had to go through it alone because my family were the ones that were pressing me so surely I couldn't explain these feelings to them and I had little to no friends at the time. When I was 20 I remember trying to explain my hectic and confused gender identity to them but because I didn't know the right words they though I was crazy. When I was 22 was when I discovered the term genderqueer and I went with it for a few years to make sure it wasn't an exploration phase and here its been 4 years since then. While things were hectic in the beginning, they eventually normalized as I began to become more comfortable with my gender identity.

Pretty complex stuff, while I'm not exactly trans I'm not exactly cisgender either. I am autistic though and whether the 2 are related is kinda beyond me.

Blue Jay
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21 Oct 2016, 9:49 am

I feel a little the same, green0star

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22 Oct 2016, 7:14 pm

^ heh well at least I'm not alone in that feeling :P

Emu Egg
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11 Feb 2017, 2:04 pm

I'm wondering where I fit in with this. I am MTF and have lots of autistic traits. It is rarer in my population but also surprisingly common. I feel that since informed consent exploded there are more mtfs that express autistic traits. It was very hard when I was starting, even in the mid-to-late aughts: still had gatekeeping and I went through a lot.