Nonbinary could soon be a legal gender option in California

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30 Jan 2017, 12:23 pm ... story.html

This is going in the right direction IMO. There is a small but growing more visible population of us who identify as neither male or female and for us to be legally recognised as nonbinary is a big step forward.

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30 Jan 2017, 10:27 pm

I don't see the rationale - gender is not a social construct. What someone identifies as can hardly be taken as their gender, since gender is precisely binary. To add an 'option' to this is to change what gender means. LGBT activists seem to me to have gone off on a confused tangent.

Tufted Titmouse
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31 Jan 2017, 1:12 am

woops wrote:
What someone identifies as can hardly be taken as their gender, since gender is precisely binary.

Even if we're using the word "gender" to mean only biological sex (chromosomes and reproductive organs and the like), you're still forgetting the estimated 1.7% of the population who are intersex. If nothing else, this change could benefit them.


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17 Feb 2017, 10:25 am

This is definitely very good news. I know in Oregon they had something similar and I figured California would follow behind shortly (:


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17 Feb 2017, 12:39 pm

This becomes interesting, at least for me, since North Carolina said you can only use the bathroom indicated by your birth certificate.*

*Actually, it was already interesting, since many states merely require a note from your Doctor to change the sex on your birth certificate, and no surgical procedures. But this just adds one more layer to the cake.


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18 Feb 2017, 5:15 am

EclecticWarrior wrote:

This is going in the right direction IMO. There is a small but growing more visible population of us who identify as neither male or female and for us to be legally recognised as nonbinary is a big step forward.

Wondering if this will happen before or after WP allows this to be an option.


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18 Feb 2017, 5:24 am

BetwixtBetween wrote:
This becomes interesting, at least for me, since North Carolina said you can only use the bathroom indicated by your birth certificate.*

*Actually, it was already interesting, since many states merely require a note from your Doctor to change the sex on your birth certificate, and no surgical procedures. But this just adds one more layer to the cake.

The idea of such gender segregation is recent, Victorian. Prior to then such facilities were typically "unisex".
Nor is having "mens" and "womans" universal even now. At somewhere like KRDU it would apply only within the terminal buildings...


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18 Feb 2017, 5:29 am

mpe wrote:
Wondering if this will happen before or after WP allows this to be an option.

this site doesn't seem to be under active development anymore so, i wouldn't hold my breath there. :lol:

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