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26 Mar 2017, 7:20 am

I was disappointed when I signed up for this site that there was no non binary option for gender. I've also heard that many there are a lot of transgender people on the Autism spectrum.


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27 Mar 2017, 9:14 pm

Why should there be an option for something that doesn't exist?

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27 Mar 2017, 9:53 pm

BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
Why should there be an option for something that doesn't exist?
because sexuality isn't a binary

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31 Mar 2017, 1:57 pm

I thought about it too. I don't identify as a girl, but I also don't identify myself as a boy. There are moments when I feel like I want to be a girl and there are others when I just want to become a guy because feeling like it. I don't know how to explain. I imagine myself living as a woman in the future but I also imagine myself living as a man and being so happy with it. :roll:


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31 Mar 2017, 5:14 pm

i was surprised too. i thought since it's 2017 and a good amount of autistic people are genderqueer/nonbinary it surely would be.

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02 Apr 2017, 2:39 pm

Fugu wrote:
BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
Why should there be an option for something that doesn't exist?
because sexuality isn't a binary

But gender is.

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02 Apr 2017, 4:04 pm

^ you may be confusing gender with biological sex? the way i see it, the former is muchess concrete and very much able to exist in a nonbinary spectrum.

it's all huge debate fuel, really. but this is probably the wrong thread for it.

OP, i personally am in favor of a "fill-in" option for the gender on profiles, like what we have for location. still, i can see how it may be easily misused or abused.

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02 Apr 2017, 6:35 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
^ you may be confusing gender with biological sex? the way i see it, the former is muchess concrete and very much able to exist in a nonbinary spectrum.

it's all huge debate fuel, really. but this is probably the wrong thread for it.

OP, i personally am in favor of a "fill-in" option for the gender on profiles, like what we have for location. still, i can see how it may be easily misused or abused.

I am not confusing the two. Gender is still based in biology, even if not the same as biological sex. There is male and female. That's it.

--Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
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10 Apr 2017, 8:18 am

^ Here we go again. Stating this same argument over and over as if it's fact, without adding this is a personal opinion, nor providing anything whatsoever to back up this "fact." Or you know, adding anything new to this perspective at all, just repeating the same thing. I'm all for people having differing opinions and discussing aspects of those opinions intelligently, but this this-is-fact-because-I-say-so-and-will-be-if-I-say-it-enough-times is quite boring in my opinion.

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16 Apr 2017, 1:26 am

Skipping over the "gender was a gift from nature" person. This topic is nice. I wondered the same thing when I joined. It seemed strange for a neurodiverse website to have outdated options.


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16 Apr 2017, 6:58 pm

Probably because the genders "Male" and "Female" are hard-coded into the site's software, and adding a new gender would require modifying the source code. It'd take a bit of effort, but there seems to be quite a bit of demand for it. Would any site admins like to weigh in here? I think at least two different options for "Other" or "Rather not say" would be good to have.