any bisexual transgenders?
Personally I like both women and men, however I can't help but think that liking woman might make me more "manly" considering that I have gender dysphoria (I am male-to-female)
So is there any transgender or transsexual out there (prefibly male-to-female) who likes girls to? I know gender identity has nothing to do with sexuality, so don't worry. ~:heart:
-Thomas Jefferson
Yup I'm trans and bisexual. I was fine with being attracted to those of my own birth sex, but it took me a long time to be ok with being attracted to those opposite to my own birth sex too. I find physical transition helps this - when you're better able to deal with your own body, you can better deal with it in relation to other people's bodies if that makes sense.
Do you want to be more "manly"? Or does liking girls make you feel more manly and you dislike that? I know a few trans/cis pairing couples who dislike being read as a cis couple, if they "pass" as such, especially if they come from gay dating backgrounds.
Alexithymia - 147 points.
Do you want to be more "manly"? Or does liking girls make you feel more manly and you dislike that? I know a few trans/cis pairing couples who dislike being read as a cis couple, if they "pass" as such, especially if they come from gay dating backgrounds.
To answer your question, I like girls, but the idea of dating girls makes me feel "manly" and I don't like that! Eww!! ! :bleck:
The thing is I like girls! I like their legs, their subtle nature and behavoir, and their boobs too! However I do feel the need to like them as my inner gender identity (which is female) and acting "manly" would break the romantic immersion. I guess I'm just attracted to lesbians

Honestly I like men too, and I believe being a man will help express to the world that I am indeed a woman (You don't know how much I want to let the whole world know that! Not that I'm the type that goes out and yells out "I'm trans/gay" in public out of nowhere...

But alas, I still have to make the confession that I still like women.

-Thomas Jefferson
Do you want to be more "manly"? Or does liking girls make you feel more manly and you dislike that? I know a few trans/cis pairing couples who dislike being read as a cis couple, if they "pass" as such, especially if they come from gay dating backgrounds.
To answer your question, I like girls, but the idea of dating girls makes me feel "manly" and I don't like that! Eww!! ! :bleck:
The thing is I like girls! I like their legs, their subtle nature and behavoir, and their boobs too! However I do feel the need to like them as my inner gender identity (which is female) and acting "manly" would break the romantic immersion. I guess I'm just attracted to lesbians

Honestly I like men too, and I believe being a man will help express to the world that I am indeed a woman (You don't know how much I want to let the whole world know that! Not that I'm the type that goes out and yells out "I'm trans/gay" in public out of nowhere...

But alas, I still have to make the confession that I still like women.

I'm pansexual and a trans woman. I understand how a man can make you feel more girly. Yay! Social conditioning... To be honest, once you've been transitioned for a while the feeling goes down some. You could also be attracted to more dominating personalities and not more submissive ones so while you like women, you prefer men just because they are more likely to take charge. *shrug* Sexuality is really complex. You need to do you. I know a lot of people say that but living on this miserable planet for three decades and going through hell and coming back out the other-side taught me a thing or two. I was never happy until I became ME. Don't let society dictate who you are. Labels are great for finding your kin! But... they can also be used against you to force you into being someone you're not. Don't focus on the labels for anything more than finding others like yourself, beyond that they are mostly restricting. I really recommend you see a sex therapist to help you sort all this out.
And, yes, there are lesbians that like trans women, though admittedly they tend to prefer cis most of the time. I've found dating other bi/pan people of any gender is usually my best bet for finding someone to date seriously. Biggest problem with dating as a trans woman is that men expect you to fulfill THIER fantasies. AKA you top and take “charge”. Also most of the men will only want to have sex and never date you or consider you for a serious relationship. I honestly feel like my dating pool is a mud puddle and everyone else gets the ocean.
Dx: ASD(Type 2), ADHD, PTSD(severe), Histrionic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Gender Dysphoria.