Is it difficult to be lgbt and have aspergers?

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09 Jul 2017, 5:57 pm

Come on people; I need some opinions.


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03 Aug 2017, 12:55 pm

It's no more difficult than being LGBT and not having asperger's, as far as I can tell.


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04 Aug 2017, 7:13 am

Yes. But there are positives to it, too, I rigidly maintain. :wink:
But yes - no one said this was going to be easy.

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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04 Aug 2017, 1:41 pm

Well, it's not easy being in a minority group within a minority group but some of my aspie weirdness can be passed off onto my lesbian my inclination to wear men's clothes, which has more to do with comfort and tactile issues, but people probably read as relating to my orientation. Lord help me if I was straight dressing like this...or having to force myself to wear some very uncomfortable feminine attire...which was basically my childhood struggle until I was old enough to have a say so.

Not easy finding the right fit romantically being both LGBT and Aspie but they are out there. I found someone and we've been happily together for over 6 years now.


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13 Aug 2017, 4:09 am

It depends on where you are on the spectrum and how well of a communicator you are.

Sea Gull
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13 Aug 2017, 4:15 am

Imo as women have it easier than men probably. Men find women with as probably cute or a relief in some areas tbh. While women find those traits unnatractive in guys.

So if you identify as a female you are probably fine to have those traits and be lgbt. Men maybe the same but a bit less if dealing with those with women like mindsets.