New here folks, good topic.
For the sake of playing Devil's Advocate, I have an insane sex drive, and I think romantic sex between partners is an AMAZING thing. Foreplay, in particular, is what makes it great. Honestly, if I never had sex in my relationship, I wouldn't currently be in a relationship. There is nothing wrong with sex, the Sexual Revolution should have taught everyone that.
That said, boundaries need to exist. My current partner isn't a huge fan of sex, so I've learned to temper my expectations and learn "when and where." Luckily, I fell in love with her long before we had sex for the first time, because she's fantastic.
As someone with Asperger's, learning body language cues in sex has been hard. But generally, bad body language will deactivate me when I'm trying to initiate. If she said no, I would immediately stop, of course, but sometimes I still pout (I'm not perfect, haha).
Has she tried masturbation? That's been the cure for hundreds of years, I would assume, when the partner isn't interested.
All Things Geek, Bucks Basketball, News, Film, Business of Media, Statistics. Try to avoid self-victimization and internalized oppression on behalf of my disability.
I enjoy talking to people in real life more than online (weird, right?). It's more honest, and fascinating. I get to study body language and response styles. Hot take to other Aspies, I would assume.
P.S. I like to play Devil's Advocate. Don't enjoy echo chambers.