No, because I am trans
However plenty of precious lil "people" truly believe that everyone gay is "a pedophile".
Or that everyone gay is attracted to everyone of the same sex
Someone straight is not attracted to everyone of the opposite sex
Same thing
Besides, allegedly, ten percent of the world is gay
So if a soldier interacts with more than ten other soldiers, it is likely at least one is gay
Having said that plenty of precious lil "people" are "uncomfortable" even being in proximity to someone they perceive as gay
Much less 24/7 on base interaction
A homophobic precious lil "person " had the nerve to tell me "you make people uncomfortable with the way you dress!"
Until then I trusted him
San Diego 2006
Trump makes people uncomfortable when he is president
Then what?
"People" literally means two or more
The world contains more than two people
Everyone is comfortable, doesn't care, or uncomfortable
You can't guarantee just the first two
Besides it is also correct that I make "people" uncomfortable when I continue
At least two of the precious lil 'people' that interacted with me in 35 years are uncomfortable