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Michael Bone
Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 May 2018, 9:35 am

Does anyone else here like the elder scrolls? I love it, especially the lore. :)

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26 May 2018, 11:10 am

Not hugely into The Elder Scrolls. I've only played three of the games - Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim - and out of those three, Skyrim was the only one I finished. In Morrowind, I ran into a problematic quest I couldn't complete for the life of me, and Oblivion started crashing continuously at one point.

The games have their charm, though.

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27 May 2018, 4:17 am

I enjoy the games, though I've always found them to be buggy and incredibly unbalanced. Levelling up in Oblivion is pointless, it's much better to just stay level 1 the entire game. Skyrim's alchemy and enchanting professions are stupidly broken and easily the most powerful in the game by a factor of at least 10. Combat in all of them is awful.

The biggest draw is the mods available for them.


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27 May 2018, 4:25 am

Well I like Skyrim, lol I have like 3 characters going. My first was an experimental kajitt character, just to kind of see how the game worked. But now I have an orc character, a dark elf and made a new kajitt character. LOL I have not like actually completed the game like on my first character I got to the main sort of ending part...but if you haven't completed all the quests like you could still go do those first. Like there is not a specific ending for the game aside from I guess if you kill the dragons you've won that battle...but with the options they had, it seemed more ethical not to kill the dragon IDK. I have a hard time doing immoral things in a game so like I didn't join that dragon slayer thing when I got to that part. I didn't kill the dragon and just ignored the characters that want you to complete that quest, lol because I did not agree with killing that dragon. But the world seems vast enough to where if you create a new character you may run into things you did not with your first character.....there is just tons to explore.

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