I am good at editing and writing.
I would post videos on my YouTube account (which has been deleted for nearly 11 months as of today) and some videos would consist of a half-hour of work putting text on videos, or having text overlap text, among other things. Although it has been a LONG time since I edited a video, so I may be a little rusty. Or lazy.
But one thing I am really good at is writing. Whenever I am feeling a creative high, I will write more of a book I'm writing. It's called "Shattered" under my pen name Zanagoranium. Although it is hard for me write now [see what I did there?] to write the second chapter, as I cannot come up with good enough opening dialogue, nor can I come up with any segues to... what's the word? "segue"(...?) the opening, middle, and end.
But I am a pretty good writer.
I can also be fairly decent at acting, as I pretend to act like I'm fine around my mother even though my existential depression is bothering me, and can make people believe I am angry, upset, or in the moment. One thing I can't do is cry on demand.
But... I do have some good artistic talents.
Anyone else?