★『The Pokemon Nicknames Thread!』☆

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15 Feb 2018, 11:22 am

I nicknamed my Alakazam 'Dumbledore', after Albus Dumbledore from 'Harry Potter'.


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15 Feb 2018, 1:44 pm

My Lucario and Chansey in Pearl are now called Gen and Tamago.

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22 Feb 2018, 7:27 am

The majority of my Pokemon nicknames are references to things I like, the rest are names I like, or names that the Pokemon or its name makes me think of.

Lately I've been catching so many Pokemon via wormholes that I haven't nicknamed them. Time for that later. I think thoroughly about nicknames, names are important to me.

I just beat the Elite Four (Ultra Sun) this morning with the following team:

Sander (Palossand; because sand)
Buzzwole (still unnamed, my first ultra beast unless you count Poipole),
ZzZzZzZz (Latias, I got her in a trade, I would personally not have named her that)
Ali-Cata (Incineroar; named after a misunderstanding: As a kid I had a comic. Its title was written in a strange font so I misread it and thought it said "Ali-Catas Skrekk" which sounded so exciting and dark, while it really said "Ali - gatas skrekk". I still think Ali-Cata is a great name, and even more so for a cat Pokemon)
Chakka (Leafeon, named after the pet wolf of Beverly Gravlin, whose book I'm still currently reading)
Nebby (Solgaleo; I didn't have the heart to name him anything else, although I kinda think I might do so eventually - I really wanna name him Sanasol, or Solaire)

It was a good team, but it was heartbreaking that I couldn't find space for Lycanroc in that important battle. Nikai was with me since Ha'Ouli City, and would have been extremely useful in the battle against Kahili. I must find a spot for him in the rematch.

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08 Mar 2018, 4:46 pm

I nicknamed my female Scyther "Midori", and my male Scizor "Asugi".

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29 Jun 2018, 4:27 pm

My main Pokemon nicknames are:

Don lino!

The inspiration for these nicknames came from goldenboltlp!


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29 Jun 2018, 6:05 pm


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29 Jun 2018, 7:08 pm

Back when I was playing Pokémon, I would give nicknames to my Pokémon that sounded like original names.

For example:

Aeromander - Salamence
Algemoat - Swampert
Pandizz - Spinda
Emeraldra - Rayquaza
Cravicious - Crawdaunt
Cactcrow - Cacturne
Sandragon - Flygon
Ponskate - Surskit
Stormoth - Masquerain


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02 Jul 2018, 10:44 pm

I always try to find real names that sound similar to their actual names. Eevees are Evelyn, Charmanders are Charlena or Charlie, Flygon is Flynn, etc. :D


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05 Jul 2018, 7:48 pm

i have a venusaur called joxer i usaully name them after my fave characters on tv and films and books

apologies in advance for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes.