I don't have a bug phobia. Meaning, if I see a bug on the ground I don't have fear and I don't have general anxiety about bugs when their aren't any around.
However, I have what I think is more than a natural aversion to having bugs crawl on me. Ticks, spiders, ants, centipedes, etc. All have crawled on me at different times. I had a very large black ant crawl around the inside of my mouth and bite the inside of my lower lip when I was asleep as child and forgot to brush my teeth before bed after eating something sugary. Not cool!
There have been more than one case reported in the news lately where passengers on commercial airline flights are subjected to being bitten by bedbugs and having no way to avoid it during the flight. I don't like flying as it is for many reasons, but I told my wife, IF I were ever on a flight and there were bedbugs crawling on my seat and on me and biting me where I would have no control over the situation, no other place to sit, not allowed to stand, etc....... I would freak out. I would be one of those people that they would have to pin down in the aisle or sedate me. I just think I would lose it. The idea of someone just sitting there and "taking it" because they were told they had no other choice but to be bitten repeatedly by blood sucking and potentially disease carrying parasites would be too absurd and violating for me to accept.