warrier120 wrote:
I am bisexual and have a gay older sister. For some reason, my parents do not want me to come out. I am mostly straight but slightly L/G. Most of my crushes have been boys, but I have had one (and only one) girl crush. I think the reason why I can't come out is because my parents don't want another queer person in my family, so that is probably why I am mostly straight. My mom doesn't believe in bisexual people anyways. What should I do?
what is L/G?
As for coming out... if it you want to be able to date women, you're either going to have to come out, or to date people who are OK with a closeted partner. I think that might be a good place to start. Decide if you want to date women, or if you're OK with only dating boys. If you do want to date women, decide if it's OK that you're options will be greatly reduced. If that's not OK then you need to be out for yourself. At that point it doesn't matter what your parents think unless you're under 18. If you're under 18 then parents have a little more leeway to make problems from it, but after 18 they don't have as much control.
Very high systematizing, low empathy, but moderate to high sympathy.
I do not experience cognitive dissonance reduction the way that other people do.
Professionally diagnosed in March 2018