Why so many people associate bi and gay with pedophilia

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You are Gay, bi or Heterosexual
Gay 25%  25%  [ 5 ]
Bi 40%  40%  [ 8 ]
Heterosexual 15%  15%  [ 3 ]
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08 Mar 2018, 4:39 pm

Many gay men are very masculine and they are not ashamed of being born as men, and they despise pedophiles with these motherf***ers what hurts children :(

Yes, one important thing, I wonder why anyone thinks about gay, immediately imagines anal sex, the majority of mutual masturbation is enough :mrgreen:

But It's still sin :(

As for me me last sexual experience was about some 14 or 16 years ago :( i'm 32 years this year in April.

I also wonder why so meany falsify assume that if you bi or gay you automatically must be a ok for an abortion :twisted:

While i'm very much for woman rights, woman ware underrepresented in society for many years, but for most part heterosexual sexual relationship is fully voluntary so, they should knew that is some risk of pregnancy, but for me risk of pregnancy is a bit to harsh it should be called beauty of pregnancy :heart:
And if woman want sex just for sex they can try lesbian sex :mrgreen: it's still a sin as well gay sex :(

But at least they not trying to erase poor baby out of existence :(

Every who is for abortion should watch Star Trek: The Next Generation: Episode: 16 from 3 rd season

It's a beautiful dialog between Captain Picard and Lt. Commander Data about meaning of life :)


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08 Mar 2018, 5:30 pm

Uhm…, because they can? Why are people racist, sexist, ageist, xenophobic or otherwise prejudiced against some large part of the world’s population, most of which they’ll never even meet, defined only by being different from them in some way or other? Because they damn well can!

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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08 Mar 2018, 6:15 pm

Spiderpig wrote:
Uhm…, because they can? Why are people racist, sexist, ageist, xenophobic or otherwise prejudiced against some large part of the world’s population, most of which they’ll never even meet, defined only by being different from them in some way or other? Because they damn well can!

Anyway is sad :(

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11 Mar 2018, 8:53 am

pawelk1986 wrote:
Many gay men are very masculine and they are not ashamed of being born as men, and they despise pedophiles with these motherf***ers what hurts children :(

Yes, one important thing, I wonder why anyone thinks about gay, immediately imagines anal sex, the majority of mutual masturbation is enough :mrgreen:

But It's still sin :(

As for me me last sexual experience was about some 14 or 16 years ago :( i'm 32 years this year in April.

A lot of people have been taught that homosexuals are people without morals, so they attribute all sorts of moral depravity to us, including pedophilia. The Roman Catholic Church promulgated this idea when it said that the church did not have a pedophilia problem, but a problem with ordaining gay men.

I do think that there is a misconception regarding gays and anal sex. Why do their minds associate gay and anal sex instead of gay and love? Different people have different ways of expressing their love. It's not the particular act that counts though. If a gay man uses another man for his own pleasure, with nary a thought to the other person, that is sinful. But whatever one does to communicate his love can't be sinful, because "Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." It is never a sin to love.


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06 Apr 2018, 5:06 am

1950s propaganda is why some people associate homosexuality with pedophilia.


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18 Sep 2018, 12:32 pm

well, a long time ago the gays and other atypical sexual orientations were in the same boat as the pedophiles. When the gay rights thing started it was basically all the atypical sexual orientations together. So the LBGQT also had the P for pedophile in it... whether they had the acronym then or not is a different story.... pedophiles were originally included because they knew then that it is a sexual orientation.

Since they were getting nowhere and since everybody was hated, the pedophiles were hated even more, so they basically tossed the pedophiles out of the group leaving them high and dry in hopes it might help their cause. In the end it worked, the gay rights movement gained traction... the pedophiles got screwed and abandoned and they continue the battle alone, and the battle is really not what people think it is, and everything is where it’s at now.

So if you wonder why people associate bi and gay people with pedophiles... that’s why... they used to all associate themselves together...because a sexual orientation works the same no matter what you are attracted to.

Now the LBGTQ community is not knowing when to stop and pushing their rights thing too far... annoying society rubbing it in everyone’s faces. Really they should have stopped when they won their acceptance into society as real people that aren’t freaks. I’m sure that the pedophiles won’t make the same mistake.


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18 Sep 2018, 1:04 pm

The perception among the public might get worse depending on what happens with the next large wave of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church that's happening right now.

The public perceives the sex abuse scandal to be strictly pedophilia. This is not true. Apparently in a significant percentage of the abuse cases, the victims were/are adolescents.

Technically sexual acts with adolescents ages 15-19 by an adult is known as "Ephebophilia" and not pedophilia.

I believe in the general population, a common statistic I've heard is that 2%-3% are homosexual. A study commissioned by the Catholic church itself a few years ago put the percentage of Catholic priests that were homosexual at between 12%-35% or higher.

I've read recent articles in which it's argued that there are two serious problems that have been ongoing for many decades, at least since the 1960's or 1970's in the Catholic church:

1) pedophilia
2) ephebophilia or "grooming" of adolescent boys by homosexual priests that are NOT pedophiles (meaning, homosexual priests that have no interest in performing sex acts on young children but instead prey on adolescent boys).

I'm not homosexual and not well educated into homosexual practices as such, but from what I understand in the homosexual "community", ephebophilia is a practice that occurs (ie "cruising" for teenage males) in the general population.

My point in all of this is that in the Catholic church, with what appears to a much higher frequency of homosexual males as priests than homosexual males in the general population committing acts of ephebophilia, the public at large may in fact equate homosexuality with pedophilia more when the two appear to be mutually exclusive if the Catholic church simply denounces pedophilia rather than denouncing BOTH types of criminal activity as it should.

I've read that there are Catholics and Catholic theologians that are very concerned with the way the Catholic church has been handling this terrible abuse issue because the church hierarchy is either silent or at best is denouncing pedophilia (which of course it should), but making absolutely no mention of the equally if not greater problem of ephebophilia. There are theories about the reason for the silence but most from what I've seen seem to allege that the senior hierarchy of the Catholic church (ie bishops, archbishops and cardinals) is either largely homosexual themselves or accepting of homosexual practices. The term "Lavender Mafia" is given to an apparently silent but apparently powerful pro-homosexual group in power.

To be clear, I believe it can be assumed that there are most likely Catholic priests that are homosexual and either maintain celibacy or engage in homosexual activity strictly with other consenting adult males and are not sexual predators.


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18 Sep 2018, 10:31 pm

Danger45 wrote:
Now the LBGTQ community is not knowing when to stop and pushing their rights thing too far...

Said just as places are trying to impose segregation 2.0. Hmm.

As per "gay agenda" it's hilariously pathetic when heteros try to make that claim.

Let's see:

Straight couples are pushed on kids the second they're out of the womb through --

99% of children books featuring straight couples, 99% of films featuring straight couples, 99% of music being about a straight relationship, not to mention 99% of television shows being about... you guessed it... straight couples.

Not only that, but --

Many of these straight people that don't agree with those who don't believe in their form of love might either kick you out or submit you to a conversion therapy center to see if they can make you straight as well. In the past they tried to lobotomize people to make them - straight.

In terms of "gay agenda" and "straight agenda" - the straights win this one for pushing their ways of life onto others hands down, not only do they push it they have a history of doing so violently as well.

Last edited by Spooky_Mulder on 18 Sep 2018, 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Sep 2018, 10:40 pm

Spooky_Mulder wrote:
...............In terms of "gay agenda" and "straight agenda" - the straights win this one for pushing their ways of life onto others hands down, not only do they push it they have a history of doing so violently as well.

We're seeing this violence playing out literally against homosexuals in Islam today. It's sad, it's wrong and I wish there was more global outrage against it.


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18 Sep 2018, 10:44 pm

Magna wrote:
Spooky_Mulder wrote:
...............In terms of "gay agenda" and "straight agenda" - the straights win this one for pushing their ways of life onto others hands down, not only do they push it they have a history of doing so violently as well.

We're seeing this violence playing out literally against homosexuals in Islam today. It's sad, it's wrong and I wish there was more global outrage against it.

Middle East, Russia, and still here in the states.

Extremist religious types whether they be Fundamentalist Christians, Islamists, Orthodox Judaism, and so on (although Orthodox Judaism, to my knowledge, is not as dangerous as extreme Christianity or Islam).

Anyone who wants to know why Trump supporters love Putin and Russia so much - - especially Fundamentalist Christians - it's not a stretch to see the connection:



"Religious" fanatics, period, scare me. In quotes because they use and twist the words for whatever evil purpose they intend to put behind them. I see them less as religious and more as fanatics who latch onto religious texts since they're the fringe. That said, I'd never step into the Mid West, Russia, or deep red US areas out of fear of what might happen as a result - not all people in these places are evil and out to gay bash, l just personally wouldn't risk it.


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19 Sep 2018, 1:13 pm

Because they can is a good enough explanation for me. I know people who have views like that. I don't see any hope in them changing.

My sister was friends with this girl whose father is a pastor. He is one of those charismatic, fundamentalists who unashamedly associates consensual homosexual sex between two adults with pedophilia, murder and just about any other violent crime that actually does harm people. I went to their church once and never set foot in it again.

Living my life one day at a time.