I'm just saying there ARE obvious external differences if you do not factor in clothing.
Yes, there may be statistical border area nuances, but for the most part. C'mon,to use proper technical terms, penis, vagina, who can't tell the difference?
Ok, people dress in all sorts of ways and mask those biological features, but even current medical technology can't give trans the parts they desire. If it was just a "social construct", trans would not even have to spend all that money on surgery. A different outfit alone does not make one another sex, gender, or whatever words current language is using.
This really is going waaaaay into splitting hairs here.
And both of the words "sex' and "gender" have become so conflated, they have little meaning any more.
I used to identify as tran, but now I'm just bat S* crazy. this is what happens, people are not getting help, there is no "lgbt community"... it's a myth.