Is the gender switch surgery a scam?
I am not against the idea of someone (especially a trans individual) going though a gender-switch surgery if they find it 110% necessary for their mental and physical health. I am only just insinuating on the possibility that the pharmaceutical/psychiatric industry might be using this as elaborate and often misleading excuse to make money out of those who are ignorant of the consequences of changing your gender.
Is it possible that the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industry might be misleading transgender individuals into doing a procedure that they otherwise might not need in the first place? Let me explain...
They are several factors that go into play that convinces me that this may be true, which are as follows:
1. Levels of gender dysphoria - As far as my knowledge on transgenders is concerned (source: some transgender individuals don't go through gender switch surgery at all for various reasons. That said, it can be safely inferred that these transgender individuals might have experienced gender dysphoria because of other factors besides their main sexual generals they inherited by birth. This of course brings me to my next point...
The Psychiatric industry is an industry of death
- Unlike psychologists, psychiatrist's only concern is how many pills will they be able to sell to gullable people who know nothing of mental illnesses and how they work, how they are caused, and more importantly how society can be influencing them. The DSM-5, their main handbook, is often sited by many transgender individuals as 'proof' that gender dysphoria should be taken seriously, but in reality they are missing the real reason why it was added there in the first place; to profit from them. That said, I do not advocate for gay, or even trans, conversion via cruel and questionable means (likely using the same methods used by asylums, a psychiatrist's best friend and lucrative cash cow). However that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be weary of what the real cynical intentions of those who want to 'help transgenders' might be, after all we live in a world full of people who want to make a quick buck, just to get by.
3. They are alternatives to dealing with gender dysphoria other than HRT and gender-switch surgery - Being a 'femboy' (the complete opposite of a tomboy girl) might help a male-to-female transgender cope with their gender dysphoria. And the reason I bring this up is, like I said, that they are consequences to switching your gender such as:
-Your endocrine/hormone system, one of the most important system in the human body as it regulates nearly half of your body's functions in various ways, will perish. That is not saying you can't survive without it, but living without it is like living without half of your vital organs, like (2014) Robocop. Now that's what most 'transgender advocates' often forget to tell you, am I right?
-Like plastic surgery, you will experience fistulas, which are bloody cracks/holes that may form around the areas where your genitals were tampered with by the surgeons. Surgeons make mistakes you know? And often at times it can and will leave bloody and gory consequences behind, with only you, the transgender individual, to face it alone.
-Regret. Plain and simple. Dysphoria might still be there, and the sudden realization that you miss your old sexual organs, weather it be because they used to bring you a lot of pleasure, despite what you may think about them, or simply because of the fact that your dysphoria still haunts you from time to time because the people around you are still calling you a freak of nature just because they know went through the surgery, and will most likely you will get the same kind of public scrutiny that plastic surgeons and their patients get. Whatever the reason, just because you feel that it's right to change your gender, doesn't mean that it's gonna make your happy.
In conclusion, I believe that, sometimes, a few trans people can be happy by switching their own gender. However this doesn't apply for everyone because, as human beings (especially those with autism), we are all different in our own ways, and as a result, we have different kinds of needs when it comes to gender, self-expression and identity. and some entities, such as far-left media (Buzzfeed, CNN, The Young Turks, ect.) and the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industries couldn't care less about what might really benefit you as a person, and instead they try to mislead you into thinking that transgender surgery is the only way to solve your problems related to your gender dysphoria, when they are always alternatives. If they are alternatives to violence, then surely the same can be said about gender dysphoria.
What do you think? Am I right? Am I missing something? Please leave a comment and let me know!
-Thomas Jefferson
Fact: Gender reassignment surgery (GRS) is often performed in several stages.
Fact: The initial costs may run well over 100,000 U.S. dollars, and the final costs may be closer to a million U.S. dollars, depending on the results.
Fact: Not all of the costs are covered under insurance policies -- people seeking GRS through their insurance carrier may receive only the basic genitalia-altering procedures. Bone-scraping, tracheal alterations, and breast augmentation or reduction may be considered elective surgeries.
Fact: Many of those seeking GRS are doing so without an official diagnosis of need for GRS. This may be due to fear of persecution, lack of funding, or the need for referrals and intense screening procedures.
Fact: Those seeking GRS without an official diagnosis may seek GRS on the Black Market. There are many unscrupulous practitioners who will perform GRS on a cash-only basis, or in exchange for sexual "favors" (i.e., porn, prostitution, et cetera).
Fact: ANY Black Market surgery is likely to be more expensive, more risky, and more disfiguring than surgery performed on the open market -- GRS is no exception. Since the Black Market is unregulated, botched procedures may go unreported, even when the result is death and/or disfigurement.
Only those people who can afford the best surgeons can expect to achieve the best results. The rest "lays down their money and takes their chances".
I believe the procedures still have a lot more room for improvement.
But we are still decades away from being able to change all that should be changed,and from a business point of view, there is not enough demand in the medical industry to improve, it is considered a 'niche' market.
Shouldn't the goal be a complete genetic switchover , with full organ & gland functionality?
And what about skeletal reshaping? probably centuries for that tech.
But I guess that's just a star trek dream, and we have to settle for the half process we currently have. Which will still leave one dependent on prescribed hormones of unknown origin and ongoing medical monitoring.
But if someone is happy with the results of what we currently have, more power to them.
Me, I've just fallen off into depressed a-sexual, a-gender nothingness, too old to have a hope anymore, doesn't matter what "gender" i am, that word has ceased to have any meaning to me anymore. I'm alone, likely to stay this way, that'spark' of youth is gone, no reason to try anymore. Just rot out the rest of my life in this unappealing form.
And don't like dealing with doctors.
What I need is a time machine and a way to alter the paths of a few sperm back in 1969, make sure an 'X' gets in there instead.
I agree that it is one's choice. But, I have over years seen friends transition only to stop the hassle of keeping up appearances with their chosen gender. I never asked why that seems apparent, so, I wonder if the novelty wore off, or if they achieved what they wanted, and the rest is just ... life.
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)
It's difficult to even find professionals to just talk about it.
So many things try to just corral people into the HRT/surgery route.
Nobody seems to want to dig too deep into it, ask any real questions and try to make some sense out of this. It's all political agenda off to one polarity or the other. All the politics has only made things worse.
meanwhile many who themselves have questions of their gender get no help and suffer. Can't talk about it with many, can't find any place to figure anything out. might as well just give up on life. The is no real support, those who deal with it, have to deal with it on their own. It sucks.
I hate going to doctors anyhow.
In my physical transition, no healthcare professional (physical, mental, etc.) EVER tried to scam me/force me into doing any sort of procedure. I was always the one who initiated the discussion of the possibility because it was something I need(ed). It's been almost four years since starting my medical transition and I am the happiest I've ever been in my life.
On another note, though I appreciate you are attempting to educate yourself, quite a lot of the information you shared were incorrect, particularly the consequences of physical gender reaffirming procedures. For instance, the endocrine/hormone system will not "perish". Cisgender(or non-transgender) people go on the same hormone treatments as transpeople (my cisgender dad and I are both on testosterone treatment). These sort of hormone treatments have been around for around 80 years now--if this were to perish the endocrine/hormone system, this would be well-known information. As for surgery, fistulas can arise out of any surgery and are not very common from my understanding--I nor no one I know has experienced them as a result from gender-reaffirming surgeries. As for the regret piece, I am not saying this doesn't happen, but it is extremely rare. However, these individuals were likely not treated/evaluated correctly and from my understanding, these people were not coerced into any sort of medical transition.
I don't mean to start arguments or anything of the sort (I am personally not a fan of arguing at all) I just wanted to let you know that you may have misunderstood information you learned and/or perhaps learned false information.

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Age: 37
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Location: Adelaide, Australia
Could there be SOME cis-women out there who believe that the reason they were raped/assaulted was because of their physical feminine 'attributes'? Could these same women wish to lose their 'attributes' so as to never experience that horror ever again? Could this be one form of motivation for SOME women wanting GRS?
Could there be SOME cis-women out there who believe that the reason they were raped/assaulted was because of their physical feminine 'attributes'? Could these same women wish to lose their 'attributes' so as to never experience that horror ever again? Could this be one form of motivation for SOME women wanting GRS?
While testosterone allow you to grow stronger muscles, becoming "trans puts a target on your back." And guys get raped too. No, I can't see that as a rational motivation.
I don't know if it's a "scam", but I know with present technology, the science isn't quite there yet.
I know some people have a huge problem with seeing the wrong organs in their pants, but it seems to me, unless you're very non-sexual, that it would be very disappointing to find that your surgery has severely limited the amount of physical pleasure you are able to receive.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...
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