Mastercraft wrote:
So, the situation that I've seen is that when someone is angry at me, striving to keep a level head so as not to anger them further only has the opposite effect.
Case in point, whenever my mother gets angry at me, getting in my face and yelling obscenities, waving her arms and such, I keep a solemn, straight face and try to speak as gently as I can. I try to reason with her, talk her down, or even just keep quiet and let her wear herself out. However, all this ever seems to accomplish is making her rage even more, sometimes to the point of physical violence.
I had a similar issue with a roommate who witnessed me talking about him to my girlfriend online. He got angry about me talking behind his back, and when I quietly agreed to his demands to not talk about him again (which is apparently a lie, now that I think about it, seeing that I am talking about the incident), he got even louder and told me to stop agreeing with him.
My theory is that these people feel that I am being disingenuous, or I am secretly looking down on them, but I cannot help them if they are that paranoid. If my theory is wrong, however, then I'm terribly confused as to what to do in these situations.
No I don't think that keeping calm when the other member is angry because it means that you are taking it well. I have heard that one of the best ways to diffuse a situation is to keep your voice calm. "What's going on?, "What's bothering you?" Etc. "What did I do to upset you?" Then let them calm down before listening and then tell them, " I understand."