It has been a while since I responded on this and I would like to make an update. I have completely lost interest in this girl and don't want to do anything with her. She, at some point, told me to stop talking to her. (Obviously, this wasn't told to me in person, but rather digitally since that's how insecure teenagers tend to interact with each other.)
Prior to this feeling of getting closer to letting go but after she told me to go away, I developed an obsession with the girl so strong I would not be able to concentrate during class and began to act on my feeling of resentment in small ways. For example, as we were waiting at the door before lunch one day, the bell rang. I quickly cut in front of the girl and could not resist laughing. (No, seriously, I laughed like the wicked person I can be sometimes.) The regret hit me quickly, but despite this, I did not end up apologizing for what I did. On other days, whenever I passed by her locker (which is on the same locker block as mine), I would find it and lightly strike or shove the closed door so it made a banging sound. (She wasn't there and I didn't regret doing that.)
After that week-long phase, the locker-banging and shoving turned to the gentle stroking of my fingertips across it, and eventually to no touching at all.
I am no longer using WP. Please PM me if you want to talk.