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13 Oct 2018, 9:40 am

I used to go to one in Maynooth, Ontario. It was hosted at a friends place and was quite small. When there were lots of people one could always find someplace to hide.

Never been to any others. Just too many people that just freaks me out. Like I'd never attend Toronto Pride - upwards of a million? Crikey!


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13 Oct 2018, 2:09 pm

I've never been to one but I thought about trying to attend them recently to see if I could maybe meet other people and possibly find men to start dating.

But I really don't want to be a part of it if it turns out to be too crazy. I mean I'm not the kind of person who likes to rub my sexuality into somebody's face I feel like the best way to try and convince people that homosexuals and transgenders are still human beings and deserve fair and equal rights is by showing real love and compassion for others, not by being aggresive towards people who are heterosexuals and treating them all like the evil oppressors.

It's like those violent protests and race riots I'm always seeing on the news. I would never be a part of something like that. :?


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13 Oct 2018, 9:07 pm

Used to go,

Now I find it too loud and crowded and meaningless

Usually do not go to large gatherings


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02 Nov 2018, 4:02 pm

I used to, but not anymore. My mom (who takes pride; pardon the pun; in being an LGBT-phobe) has said that if I go to any LGBT events (such as Pride), I may become gay or bi myself.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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03 Nov 2018, 6:40 am

I used to go, back when we lived in a city. I really dislike large boisterous crowds and loud discordant noise, but I felt it important to show solidarity, and besides; pushing the envelope of my psychosocial comfort zone is a very good practice for me. Otherwise, I'd probably degenerate into some sort of unshaven aphasic agoraphobic hermit hiding behind drawn curtains in a dirty bathrobe.

Despite my aversions for loud crowded spaces, I really did enjoy it.

We now live in a tiny rural village 3 hours away from anywhere (pop. 311); it's the most blindingly lily-white homogenous place I've ever seen; 98% White, 97% American-born, with the highest church attendance per capita of any county in a hyper-religious state considered the buckle of the Bible Belt. When a racist murdered nine people at Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, a veritable thicket of Confederate flags sprang up overnight all over the county like weeds. Our weekly newspaper's 'opinion' section regularly features shockingly racist screeds and fanciful odes to the Confederacy. This place doesn't exactly celebrate we decided to put up a flag in front of our house, too.



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15 Dec 2018, 3:15 pm

I went to Pittsburgh Pride back in 2014. I found it to be a gigantic mistake. It's simply a giant party for straight people. The organizers were rude, stuck up and cliquish. Never again!

Living my life one day at a time.


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17 Dec 2018, 9:40 pm

Too radical.

I am no longer using WP. Please PM me if you want to talk.