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Joined: 26 Sep 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 6,115
Location: The US of freakin A <_<

06 Jan 2019, 8:42 am

So I joined a gay community on Facebook thinking it would be helpful in me finding a boyfriend. A lot of guys liked my picture and said I looked handsome (except for one guy who was an ass saying I needed to lose 40 pounds), but I had one creepy old guy message me talking about f*****g me and asking if I was a "top or a bottom". I told him straight up that I wasn't going to have sex with somebody I just met online and I madr it clear on that group that I was not interested in casual sex and that I wanted to have a real boyfriend. I was told that I was too uptight by some members.

So yeah... thst sucked. I guess a community like that isn't the best place to look for a serious relationship. :|

I mean I can't help it if I'm not a a whore! :roll:


Joined: 7 Oct 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 302

06 Jan 2019, 10:15 am

That's why I am not on Facebook!


Joined: 26 Sep 2018
Gender: Male
Posts: 6,115
Location: The US of freakin A <_<

10 Jan 2019, 9:55 am

I decided to leave that group. Why am I at fault for not wanting to f**k some creepy old guy who meets me for 2 seconds? For all I know he could have been some sort of predatory rapist serial killer like Herb Baumeister. I mean I'm not THAT naive. :?