Wear earplugs or listen to music on headsets
I have done before, but my phone volume doesn't go up very loud when using headphones, and hearing screaming kids over my music is even more annoying. Also I like to be alert in case I see someone I know.
* Make a shopping list in advance. [It helps to keep the focus on the primary objective to shopping and also prevents you from forgetting an item.]
I do this.
* Use deep breathing techniques if the anxiety gets too great.
I probably need to teach myself these breathing techniques.
* Select the time of day to go shopping. Stores tend to be less crowded at 2 A.M.
That's a bit of a weird time for me to be out on my own doing shopping. I live in a city and I don't like being out after 10pm.
9am is the best time for me to do shopping, as it's a rather reasonable time and the shop is surprisingly quiet at this time. So I usually try and aim for this time.
* Always keep a small stash of emergency food in the house for the times when you forgot to shop.
I do this.
another automation technique being used in grocery stores is a little hand scanner device called a Tesco
Americans and their little knowledge about the UK. Sorry, I just had to laugh..
Tesco is a popular supermarket in the UK, like Walmart is in the US. I don't think my local Tesco's does the device gadget.
Human interaction doesn't worry me. Only mostly noises of kids and people pushing/getting in the way. I hate using the self-service check-outs because every time I use them there's always some sort of problem and I have to stand and wait for an assistant, which takes ages when the store is busy. I rather my shopping to just be scanned for me and all I got to do is pack. In fact social interaction actually distracts me from all the chaos.