The Red Dragon of the East
It comes to feast
Upon all the other lesser beasts
Protect us from the terrors of the Fiery Hell!
As it spreads through our villages like a hot fire!
The Blue Dragon of the West
It comes to nest
Leaving no room for all the rest.
Save us from the terrors of the Dark Sea!
As it spreads through our villages like a cold flood!
The barrier between ice and fire.
The flames burn through.
The ice becomes rain.
It drowns the heat.
All that is left is ash and steam, and a tiny green leaf sprouting from a seed of hope that the forest may one day rebuild...
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.