I guess my tastes in strategy RPGs are (supposedly) unusual, because I hate most of them, even though I used to love the genre. I’ve never been able to stomach Final Fantasy Tactics, nor the majority of other s/rpgs. I only mildly enjoyed Tactics Ogre and Ogre Battle, and haven’t even played those Disgea-type games, since I assumed I’d hate them. I didn’t like the first GBA Fire Emblem game either (though in retrospect I wonder if I was just worrying too much about losing characters).
That games I absolutely loved? Dark Wizard, Shining Force 2, Heroes of Might and Magic (various), Dragon Force, and Vandal Hearts 1. Those last two particularly (I never got to play Shining Force 3…wish the complete thing would get released somewhere, along with a remake of Dragon Force!)
I only picked up Fire Emblem: PoR because it was clearanced at Circuit City, and I was buying some other clearanced games too (like Chibi Robo)-and plus I wanted to give it one last chance. In general I like Intelligent System’s games.
So-what do I love about Fire Emblem: PoR? In random order:
-The gameplay is simple and fun. There’s an easy mode, which makes it playable for me. There’s complexity and strategy, but it’s not overwhelming like so many games. I don’t need to care about height, or birthdays, or what a character’s favorite color is, or what continent they were born on, or their blood type, or what they ate for breakfast, or any other stupid thing.
The Laguz characters are interesting to play with (generally powerful, but can basically only fight half the time). Losing characters permanently is actually kind of neat. (And believe it or not, I’ve been without a healer for ages now-I lost both of mine, and thought for sure the game was basically over…but I’ve been doing fine just letting the weaker characters go if they go, and powering through with the strong characters.)
-The character design is really neat. The 3D engine is nothing special, but characters are frequently represented by high quality 2D art during cut scenes, and they all look fantastic.
-The writing. This story is shockingly good. It deals with some heavy issues like racism quite well, and is one of the best written RPGs I’ve played in ages. Honestly most Japanese RPGs have really terrible plots, and uninteresting characters. Nintendo’s translation/writing department needs a serious raise, ‘cause this is just fantastic. Starting out I had no interest whatsoever in the plot-I mean It I figure it’s generic fantasy-type characters going on their generic quest-whatever. But I can’t believe how quickly I was sucked in to the story and the characters. Even minor characters seem more interesting than the MAIN characters in most of these games.
I’m over 24 hours in in 9 days, and still loving it!