apprentice wrote:
I think that some bisexual people live in traditional (heterosexual) partnership because they were discarding their second part of sexuality due to general intolerance trends, especially being young. After some years, when married and have children, they may discover that they are not really happy with woman. There are many men like that active on LGBT dating apps, marked as “discrete”, “married” etc., however, searching explicitly for sex with males. Some of them are even describing themselves as passive (ie. taking anal) which is rather more common feature of gays than bi. It may look that being bisexual should be very flexible option for sex partner selection but it does not. I do not know how other bi people act, but in my case there are very specific and narrow ranges of criteria for considering a partner sexually attractive and it is valid for both genders. In other words, only small fraction of woman or man diversity is attractive to me and bring my attention. In case of women it overlaps with their preferences but in case of men it is much more difficult to match each other. Moreover, Asperger traits in contacts with women are not as critical as with men, which are much more selective.
As someone who fairly recently recognised myself as bi, my taste in women has especially been on the masculine side, such as tomboys, having boyish traits like short hair. And I am pretty sure that I don't have the same type of attraction to breast like most straight men have, and flat girls could be fine with me, I had not understand why most straight guys got so attached to size. I feel like those were clues to my range of taste.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall