incidentally, last year, i met a kenpo karate guy who used to run the long beach karate internationals who fought Chuck Norris in a karate tournament before Chuck turned into a film star. Nice guy.
But i digress.
I think the measurement of what is cool is purely subjective and varies from one person to another.
In essence, what is cool to you and perhaps even your peers may be considered uncool by others.
So, follow your heart, follow what you think is cool regardless as to what others think.
As in my experience, people who follow trends can get messed up, especially if you have ASD
and are rejected by the mainstream hipsters.
If you like what you like and are true to what you like.
you will find it easier to find people who definately love what you love
and you will be more likely to find people who you will have things in common with
compared to changing what you love based on trend or fashion
then you become a brain washed nob who likes what they are told to like
and may never really find things that you really love
although such a choice may help you find more people
as you have broadened your tastes
you may find the relationships with these people beyond sex
really unsatisfying and in terms of long terms
don't be a fake
don't try and fool others
and even more so
don't fool yourself
be yourself
find people who are like you
that is my pearls of wisdom for the night
be happy