I once watched a carrion crow teach one of its kids how to rip apart a dead blackbird. It's a messy job, but someone's gotta do it.
I've also seen a flock of magpies teasing a stoat (a predator midway in size between a weasel and a ferret). They'd settle on the top of a mound, wait for the stoat to come charging out at them, fly up at the last second, then land the instant it left, over and over again.
I'm very fond of jackdaws, a small crow with a charcoal-grey head. They're kind of manic, go around in big flocks, and make a noise like two marbles clicking together. And as a kid, I lived near some huge old trees where the local parliament of rooks lived. I remember summer evenings where you'd just see a long, ragged flock of rooks cawing as they flew past for what seemed like hours. The species of jay we have round here is very shy of humans- I've only seen a jay once.
You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you