Yeah - when I'm on here I under report tbh.
Sometimes I will be told 'so and so got banned for how they were speaking to you'. And I wouldn't have thought to report it. Tbh I find the line hard to determine.
So I play it safe on here. After all, if someone has signed up to be on here, all they have actually signed up for is to be on an autism friendly forum. They could be completely different to me apart from the autism thing (some kind of connection whether that's another autistic person or an NT with an interest in the subject) & we could both belong on here.
When it comes to protected type accounts on social media, they're private. Someone's duty is to their own followers, unless they have an open (ie non-padlocked) account, imo. In any case, I still only report what is wrong/offensive when I find it on open accounts or it is likely to offend the followers who can actually read it. Social media has rules because of open accounts & because people might read certain things & take offence - if this is the case in a padlocked account then they aren't the intended readers.
Not actually a girl