madbutnotmad wrote:
I may be wrong, but i thought Trolling was in some way referring to the trolls of folk law legend.
Where trolls are ugly thug type creatures of low intelligence with a malicious nature, that
did things like hide under bridges to await for innocent travelers to cross so that they could eat them up,
or torture them in some form.
I am no expert on trolling.
Personally, I don't have a problem with people who revitalize an old topic or question.
If people want to debate, let them debate. Maliciousness isn't always included.
But perhaps i am a bit oblivious to internet forum etiquette. I never post with intention of causing suffering,
regardless as to whether the topic or post is brand new or an old one that is revitalized.
Life is too short to worry about such trivia, especially if you know in your heart that you are acting with out
bad intentions.
That's how I thought the net term Troll got started. The net term Troll refers to someone who is trying to cause trouble on a site by posting mean things or trying to pit members against each other or trying to upset someone.
I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with bringing an old thread to life. However I believe there can be issues when there is a much more recently active thread that is very similar to the old one that gets brought back to life. It's complicated to have more than one active thread going about the same thing. Lots of things would get repeated in both or something would only get said in one that is relevant to both. There can also be a problem when somebody bumps up an old thread without having anything to add or contribute to it. A old thread does not need to be brought back to the very top when the community has no interest in it or has nothing to contribute to it. It can make other threads go down which can potentially expedite their death since they are less likely to be noticed.
I've been accused of trolling on other forums cuz I said some stuff that lots others did not like nor agree with & I kept posting about the same things. I was going through a bad depression & was VERY LONELY & I was kinda stuck in a loop. I almost never meant to cause a problem but others took things the wrong way. One of the reasons I'm better off on WP, my fellow autistics are more generally accepting of my communication style & more willing to give me the benefit of the doubt(thou there sure can be LOTS of arguments & hurt feelings on here as well but still not as bad as on NT forums) & they are more capable of giving me support in the way I need.
Very disappointing side-note, the word Trolling is being phased out on some sites in favor of the words Autistic or Autism