Well, my first deadline is the 22nd this month, followed by a deadline on the 29th. Then my last deadline is on the 6th of May, so if you see me online less often, don't panic, chances are I'm probably busy animating.
My first deadline is motion graphics, which is a form of animation. Often brief and used in advertising, it is usually comprised of simple shapes and movements to illustrate a point being made.
The next deadline is visual effects. For this particular project I am combining a mixture of 3d animation and live action footage. Then I'm adding some post-production effects.
Finally, in regards to the last deadline - I had to cut it down considerably. I wanted to build a game, but due to time restrictions, I am now creating an advert to promote the game instead of coding my levels. When I graduate I plan to code my game in full and make my game plan a reality. Although I also agreed to create some promotional material for a family member's business and I'll be job hunting as well so I'll have a considerable amount of plates spinning even after I graduate. At least the material will look good on my portfolio. I also need to get my CV finalised.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.