hey guys and girls.
i thought we shoudl have a thread where one can post places with free music in the web (legal ones of course... artists releasing their music for free download and the like). i always liked that kind of thing as its likely to make you try out things you would not consider buying.
for now, ill give you the first album by a german literally unknown band named pornophonique - they mix up guitar, gameboy and a c64 to a quite nice sound. songs are catchy, too, and have a nerdy/geekish feeling from start to end.
download at: www.pornophonique.de - click "music"
less pop, more gothish: album "die grosse marina" by sagittarius (also german). back then, sagittarius was a one-man project, featuring only cornelius waldner on the piano. the album is a music version of ernst jüngers book "auf den marmorklippen" (on the marble cliffs).
if you have similar links to interesting music, absolutely post them!