I keep reminding myself of what people have said to me that the pandemic won't last for eternity, it will end at some point but obviously the virus may still be around like other viruses. It does upset and frustrate me when I hear about the scientific predictions for the future when maybe scientists and other experts are just as unsure as other people and can only rely on speculation and what is happening right now. It just seems like masks, social distancing, lockdowns, talking to people on Zoom, boosters every time a new strain appears (and doing it when the virus is ahead of us and will always be behind), virus testing whenever you go any where, daily reporting on covid cases and deaths etc will last until it might be eradicated hundreds of years from now. Obviously here in the UK, scientists were warning from 19th July on wards when restrictions were lifted completely that hospitals will be filling up and now in late August that hasn't really happened which seems to indicate the scientist predictions were wrong.