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Will you help me (an autistic adult) by participating in my study?
Poll ended at 20 Feb 2022, 4:28 am
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no 100%  100%  [ 1 ]
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Total votes : 1

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 12 Nov 2021
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Posts: 3
Location: birmingham, uk

12 Nov 2021, 4:28 am

I am a twenty year old female with Asperger's syndrome. My social anxiety is still a huge problem. I spend the majority of my free time in my room. I do have some friends but its scary widening my interests to meet theirs so we just talk about neutral topics. Never the less I have managed to make it to university and this is a big achievement. I have passed the first two years of my degree and now I'm doing my placement year. I'm doing research and this involves both interacting with my bosses and the general public, while this is very difficult I think I will manage to pass my degree overall. As part of my placement year, I am doing this study testing people aged 40-55 on their cognitive abilities. I am testing how quickly people can learn new information and how good their language skills are. The tests do last for 3 hours but they can be broken up in to 3 sessions and they are done over zoom, so you can do them while in bed if you like. My mum has supported me and many other autistic children throughout my autism journey and I was wondering if any parents of autistic children could help me by participating in my study. If you want to participate or find out more information about my study please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.