blitzkrieg wrote:
I have had sleep apnoea since being a kid, but it was never formally diagnosed because I have never had a caregiver who has helped me much get diagnosed with anything really - and being believed as a white, biological male is difficult. Doctors treat you like the proverbial 'basket case'.
I used to stop breathing as a kid whilst sleeping, in my brother's room when we shared a bedroom.
But then I got my own room & because I have never had a long-term partner at home, nobody noticed I was stopping breathing during sleep.
I told my doctor that I was permanently sleepy for maybe 15 years, frequently - and they did nothing and offered no solutions. They just said it must be my depression?
I then suggested I might have narcolepsy as I was getting so tired I couldn't keep awake at work. I was having naps in the toilet/restroom area, laid on the floor next to a toilet at work (no joke).
I got sent to a sleep clinic & they tested me for sleep apnoea first as that is more common than narcolepsy & bingo, I got diagnosed.
In relation to the thread title - being overweight in any capacity, including being muscly increases the risk of sleep apnoea. Having a large collar size is often the issue.
So being over a bmi of 25 in any capacity being muscle or fat increases your risk?