I like them all for various reasons (though I admit I haven't followed Enterprise at all), but good ole' Jim Tiberius is most in line with my style; he gets the space honeybunnies and can whoop anybody's ass. I'd like to be him; but I'd rather have Jean Luc or Ben as my captain/commander. [I don't think I'd get on with Kathy too well; not a sexist thing, just style clashes.]
Last year, I got all of the Trek series (minus enterprise) on DVD and watched them all from TOS to Voyager from beginning to end (including all of the movies, and TAS)
The Defiant is my favorite ship of all time; lean, mean, and tough as nails.
Good fortune,
- Icarus the Space Cowboy
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.