Hi klanka - I read your post with great interest, as I know someone who feels the same way. From a psychological viewpoint, this can mean several things. The first that comes to mind, is that “you may deem yourself not worthy” OR the simple fact, that it creates awkwardness, a negative emotion overall.
I am a giver, and know someone who takes offence at receiving gifts from people, even when they desperately need the item. I recognise that the person seems to be expressing a need to “do life hard”, even welcomes a hard life, one where they value achieving what they need totally on their own, no matter how hard. Now, that deserves respect, although the average human often cannot and will not understand this.
It’s important so far as I can see, to learn that a simple & humble thank you, is a common courtesy in the real world of everyday people. I do understand from a perspective of being differently minded, that this can be hard for those who are far more blunt than I.
Best advice … go gentle on those who wish to help in any way. You have every right to explain your stance. If someone insists on giving you something you don’t want however, you have the right to give it away, if you cannot handle keeping something you don’t feel comfortable with keeping. There’s alot of discussion about this on the web.
Have you, on the other hand, ever helped others? I’m wondering if this is an issue that affects you both ways?