I really like YouTube for the free, variety & quality of workouts. I don’t have to think, count reps, keep track of time… and if you find a good channel for whatever you’re trying to do, they add tips for proper form, better stretch/breathing/back protection/etc.
~30min full body dumbbell workout (it’s been awhile… I’ve been busy & stressed, but tiring out with exercise sure does clear the mind, flood the endorphins+, and give you a good excuse to eat well.
"Engineer type" w/ ADHD (AQ:35-40, SQ:80, EQ:11-18, FQ:24, Aspie Quiz: ND 103/200, NT 100/200)
-Fan of Dr. Russel Barkley lectures (ADHD), "How to ADHD" toolbox tips, AttentionTalkVideo, Therapy in a Nutshell, and Mark Hutten M.A. (Asperger's) channels on You Tube.