Joe90 wrote:
Only Joe90 can't respond to a relevant issue in the moderator's attention thread so now I have to start a whole new thread. (...) I know where I'm not wanted.
For goodness' sake, Joe...
The notice about not posting to the mod. attention thread to comment or chat and so on has been there since
at least 2010 and probably much earlier.
That thread belongs to moderators; it's the only thread we're
obliged to act upon, the only thread where an alert means someone needs assistance - so we expect alerts to mean just that.
It's irritating to drop whatever we're doing to attend to an alert - that turns out to be nothing of the sort.
Members have tens of thousands of topics available for free commentary (currently 381,864) and we ask that ordinary comments are not posted to
this single thread.Feel free to PM us if you have something to say about content there.
Commentary or chatter from members on that thread is generally removed as and when - there is no pecking order, no favoritism where some chat is left and others are not.
We also don't go through it with a magnifying glass and remove
every. single. instance. so some may be left for no other reason than a moderator hasn't bothered to remove it.
At 41 pages it's time the thread was archived anyway - and in the process removing all the comments you're worried about.
Since the thread you referenced had its opening post removed for reasons unknown, and as was noted that rendered the thread pointless - I removed it, as I've done before where for whatever reason an opening post is removed (usually by the OP editing it to say "removed") making the thread pointless.
Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.