Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Given how often your father uses situations involving the car to mess with you, I would stop getting in the car with him. If that means you never leave the house, so be it. Use the little you do have in your control to create the boundaries you need. With any luck, he'll get the message you're serious. He messes with you because he knows there isn't actually anything you can or will do to stop him. Show him there is something you can and will do.
.I will have no way to get to medical appointments if I stop getting the car with him.And he is always using his phone and texting when he is on the highway and on public roadways.So thats very dangerous too.Is it bad to have gasoline tank in the inside of his vehicle because he made me ride around with a container of gasoline in the pickup cab and that was scary.Sorry if the gasoline thing is obvious.Its just not obvious to me because I am on the spectrum but I have been around long enough to know that you just dont mess around with gasoline
If you speak to the pastor at your church, perhaps some volunteers can be found to help you with the medical appointments. Tell him your father enjoys messing with you by doing things while driving that he knows you consider dangerous and inappropriate, and you would like to avoid the issue by not getting in the car with him. Avoid going into details; this is about how you feel, and your desire to find a solution.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).