lostonearth35 wrote:
None. I've never learned to ride a bicycle. I don't know how anyone can even balance on those two flimsy, unsteerable wheels and ride it fearlessly without ending up with more stitches than Frankenstein's Monster. It was the bane of my whole childhood. I was shamed and ridiculed by my family members, asking me why I couldn't ride a bike at the age of 10 when there were kids that were 5 years old riding them, and without any training wheels.
Surprisingly the art of riding a bicycle is down to the tequnique which involves steering into a fall. This steerig then corrects the balance and when one gains a modest speed of eight miles per hour and above, the gyroscopic effect takes over and balancing becomes easier.
Tricycles use a different technique which is more like riding a car. (Cyclists used to bicycles should imagine the handlebars to be a steeringwheel and they will get on fine).
Probably the most straightforward way to ride a bicyle is as a balance bike that isscooted by ones feet on the floor, and when one gets used to scooting itat speed, one is then ready to start to try the pedallingas well. One then slowly puts the seat upto the height it is supposed to be and one is then riding a bike!