Ollywog wrote:
Also, on my planet, all machines, such as cars, motorcycles, lawnmowers, and leaf blowers, would be required to be as quiet as possible.
As soon as I saw the title of the thread, this is exactly the kind of thing I thought of. I'm always amazed at the amount of loud alarms, sirens and grinding mechanical noises that I hear in my "quiet" suburban neighborhood. On my planet, car alarms, in particular, would not exist at all.
HeroOfHyrule wrote:
I should add that there would be widely available and easily accessible public transportation "on my planet".
I would love to never have to worry about driving or being in a car. There's also a lot of autistic or otherwise disabled people who can't drive.
I don't drive, so I appreciate this as well.
Also, on my planet, there would be no forms to fill out. Or, if that's not viable, then what few forms there are would be written as clearly and concisely as possible.
Computers would never need to update while you're using them.
Websites would be designed so that their most vital functions could be accessed from the main page, not hidden down a labyrinth of sub-menus.
Night people would be accepted and not told that they need to adjust to the standards of morning people.
Creativity and individuality would be valued by society. (This is a tricky one. I feel like individually, people are supportive of my being creative and being myself, but that society as a whole would be much happier if I was replaced by an efficient robot. This is so central to my identity that I don't know who I would be in a society where I'm just accepted as I am.)
Paper coupons would not exist, so that I would never be asked, "Did you remember to use the coupon I gave you?" because no, I will never remember to use the coupon you gave me.